
Fred Smith

Born in Memphis TN


BA  Univ. of Memphis

MDiv  Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary cum laude

PhD   Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth TX


Saved, 1971 at First Baptist Church, Memphis TN

Married, Laverne Young Smith, 1988



Associate Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Liberty University, Baptist Theological Seminary

Adult Bible Class Teacher at Forest Baptist Church, Forest VA



Developing a Biblical Worldview: Seeing Things God’s Way (B and H Academic 2015)

Contributions to:  Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (B and H); Zondervan KJV Commentary on the New Testament (Zondervan); Popular Encyclopedia of Church History (Harvest House).

Articles in Bibliotheca Sacra, Journal of the Union Biblical Seminary (Pune, India), New Orleans Journal, Mid-America Journal.