Here I intend to lay out the vision for our new website
To begin with, the site is profoundly communal. We will be tapping into the thoughts and insights of an array of thinkers, all of whom are invited to think of the site as their own. Contributions are coveted from anyone who is trying to think hard about the questions of moral apologetics. For those unfamiliar with the phrase “moral apologetics,” by the way, we’re talking about moral arguments for God’s existence. And we really do mean that in the plural. There isn’t just one moral argument for God’s existence—there are several. This site will aim, in time, to explain and explore them all, and in the process point out their interesting connections and, ultimately, the way together they pack quite the evidential punch and constitute a powerful cumulative case.
This will make our site expansive in another sense. We will be discussing moral arguments for God’s existence that are ontological in nature, epistemic, performative (pertaining to the matter of moral transformation), and rational (pertaining to the convergence of happiness and virtue). We are especially excited about showing the power of a cumulative case showcasing all four of these major varieties of moral argumentation for theism.
We will also take up the three-fold task for the moral apologist: first, such arguments need to be based on some form of moral realism, so we will set ourselves to the task of defending objective moral facts; secondly, we need to show that theistic ethics of various types can do the job, so we will articulate, defend, and advance variants of theistic ethics generally and distinctive Christian resources particularly; and thirdly, we will respectfully subject naturalistic and secular ethical theories to various substantive critiques. We will attempt to do so fairly and acknowledge the strengths of such theories, while also pointing out their weaknesses and the way theistic ethics can avoid those problems and deficiencies. What this means is that three of the main foci of the site will be structured along these lines: Defense of Moral Realism; Defense of Theistic Ethics; and Critique of Secular Ethical Theories.
A fourth important component will pertain to the history of the moral argument. We will spend time laying out historical instances of the moral argument—from Sidgwick to Kant to Sorley to a plethora of others. In time we hope to cover every major historical variant of the moral argument, both past and present.
The site will be deeply interdisciplinary. We invite contributions from New Testament scholars, Old Testament scholars, theologians, philosophers, psychologists, literary experts, and more besides. Anyone who wishes to reflect deeply on issues related to God functioning as the locus of value, the way theism provides the best explanation of the distinctive features of morality, the bankruptcy of thoroughgoing secular ethics, and the like are invited to participate. Such diversity will only enrich the overall fecundity and fertility of the site, better helping readers become more equipped to become effective moral apologists.
The site will attempt to provide a diverse collection of resources: videos, blogs, articles, podcasts, book reviews, discussion, answers to questions, an extensive bibliography, all in an effort to equip both budding and prospective along with established and seasoned moral apologists to hone their craft, tighten their arguments, and grow in confidence as they use the powerful resources of these arguments in their personal evangelism and apologetic outreach.
So, in sum,
Three-fold task,
Expansive, and
Can I resist? Wait for it. Nope, can’t resist. The acronym is ITCHED! Let it be said that, once you’ve used the site, it scratched where you ITCHED!
Sorry for that.
But welcome to the site! Please feel free to "like" it on FB for updates!
Dave Baggett