The Center for Moral Apologetics will come to you!
The Center for Moral Apologetics at Houston Baptist University is pleased to come to your location. Its director, philosophy professor David Baggett, and his wife and English professor Marybeth Baggett, are both seasoned educators, with years of experience teaching literature, philosophical ethics, natural theology, and apologetics. Potential topics, series, or mini-conferences include the moral argument, the value of higher education for believers, philosophy, literature, spiritual formation, philosophy and popular culture, and more. If your church or school would like to invite the Baggetts to speak, either in person or virtually, to learn more about the moral argument, Houston Baptist University, or the Center for Moral Apologetics, please contact us at
David Baggett
Executive Editor
With his co-author, Jerry Walls, Dr. Baggett authored Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality. The book won Christianity Today’s 2012 apologetics book of the year of the award. In 2016 he published a sequel with Walls that critiques naturalistic ethics, God and Cosmos: Moral Truth and Human Meaning. A third book in the series, The Moral Argument: A History (2019), chronicles the history of moral arguments for God’s existence. They are under contract with OUP for the fourth book of their tetralogy—on the topic of moral realism, Dr. Baggett has also co-edited a collection of essays exploring the philosophy of C. S. Lewis, edited the third debate between Gary Habermas and Antony Flew on the resurrection of Jesus, and in 2018 co-wrote (with his wife Marybeth) The Morals of the Story: Good News about a Good God. Dr. Baggett currently is a professor of philosophy and Director of the Center for Moral Apologetics at Houston Baptist University.
Marybeth Baggett
Associate Editor
Marybeth Davis Baggett teaches English at Houston Baptist University. Having earned her Ph.D. in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Marybeth’s professional interests include literary theory, contemporary American literature, science fiction, and dystopian literature. She also writes and edits for Christ and Pop Culture. Her most recent publication was a chapter called “What Means Utopia to Us? Reconsidering More’s Message,” in Hope and the Longing for Utopia: Futures and Illusions in Theology and the Arts. Marybeth's most recent book is The Morals of the Story: Good News about a Good God, coauthored with her husband, David.
Recognition of David Baggett:
J. P. Moreland: “Professor Baggett has established himself as one of a small handful of elite experts on moral arguments for God and related matters.”
C. Stephen Evans: “Perhaps the most extensive and developed account of a moral argument for God’s existence in recent philosophy is found in David Baggett and Jerry L. Walls (2016). This book examines a comprehensive form of moral argument and extensively explores underlying issues.”
Angus Menuge: “A great example of sustained development is the work of David Baggett and Jerry Walls, exploring the nature and implications of Christian theism as a foundation for ethics, and showing the advantages of their own view in comparison to a variety of leading naturalistic theories. Here Christian philosophers are not only diverting, but leading, an important professional conversation.”