Administering a website like this occasionally makes editors privy to some exotic and intriguing correspondence. In light of the particularly dark nature of some letters we have stumbled upon—we can’t reveal exactly how—we thought it our duty to share this series of missives. We appear to be in possession of only one side of the exchange of letters—from a nephew to his uncle. The nephew’s name is Ichabod and his uncle is Apollyon, who seems to be in an advisory position of some sort. It’s not our intent to demonize anyone by divulging what we have seen, but we feel we are performing an important service by bringing this devilishly cunning correspondence to light.
- The Editors of
“If the annals of the Tempters’ Training College are beyond your reach, these letters are an acceptable introduction to our Father’s ways. Despite Ichabod being merely a junior demon, he has at least some insights into our tactics. At the least, it wouldn’t hurt to read these letters. (Really, though, see if you can gain access to the college archives.)”