How Do You Like Them Ethics?
/Two organically connected questions lie behind NBC’s The Good Place: (1) whether morality requires that we do good for goodness’ sake and (2) whether reality itself is committed to morality.
Read MoreTwo organically connected questions lie behind NBC’s The Good Place: (1) whether morality requires that we do good for goodness’ sake and (2) whether reality itself is committed to morality.
Read MoreAs Chidi, Eleanor, Jason, Tahani, Michael, and Janet realize, unless ultimate reality is itself committed to justice, many of our cherished hopes for the rectification of wrongs and redemption of sufferings are in vain.
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“The message of the gospel—God’s act of forgiveness and salvation in Jesus—is rooted in hesed. Hesed describes the disposition of God’s heart not only toward His people but to all humanity. The love of God extends far beyond duty or expectation. His forgiveness of sin fulfills a need that is basic to all other needs in the relationship between human beings and God—the restoration and continuation of fellowship with God in Jesus Christ. God’s hesed manifested in forgiveness makes a relationship with Him possible. That forgiveness comes to us freely as a gift from God based on the sacrificial act of Christ.”
Browse the Archives is a function of the Center for the Foundations of Ethics at Houston Christian University