“Talking about Ethics does its readers several great services. In terms of both its expansive scope and aerial perspective, with innovation and crystal clarity, an irenic spirit, and jargon-free accessibility, it models for readers what substantive engagement with ethical issues looks like. In these strident and divisive days, exhortations are all too rare to listen respectfully to the best positions on all sides of an argument. Such encouragement, however, is the very heart and salient strength of this book. This volume can serve as a vital and refreshing antidote to the tendentious, partisan, conversation-sabotaging animus that is such a recurring and lamentable fixture of public discourse today. Unafraid to acknowledge complexities and explore hard questions, these inviting and enjoyable pages provide powerful witness to the fact that ethics is no mere academic matter. It is rather rife with practical import and real-life repercussions, and worthy of our diligent efforts. Kudos to the writers, and highly recommended!”